Phytochemical analysis has revealed that the stem contains phytosterols, phenolic compound, flavonoids and carbohydrates [18]. Various in vitro models were applied to evaluate anti oxidant property of these extracts. In vitro studies included Free Radical Scavenging Capacity (RSC) on DPPH Radicals, Scavenging capacity for hydroxyl radicals, (by measuring the degradation of 2 - deoxyribose with OH radicals generated in Fenton reaction), scavenging capacity for super oxide radicals (NBT reduction assay, Nitro blue Tetrazolium assay) and Antioxidant using β - Carotene linoleate model system (β-CLAMS). The phytoconstituents responsible for antioxidant activity were isolated by preparative TLC method. The methanolic extract showed the maximum free radical scavenging capacity as compared to acetone extract.