Sensory evaluation of plain and stirred fruit goat’s milk yogurts
(stored at 4 C) was conducted by 26 (15 male, 11 female) taste
panellists aged 20–45 years, one week after production. The tasting
panel consisted of students and staff recruited from the University
of Newcastle, Australia. Each panellist received 4 samples of yogurt
to taste, evaluate and comment on sensory characteristics at each
serving. The panellists were asked to evaluate the colour and
appearance, aroma, body and texture, taste and overall acceptability,
based on a 9 point hedonic scale; like extremely = 9, like very
much = 8, like moderately = 7, like slightly = 6, neither like nor dislike
= 5, dislike slightly = 4, dislike moderately = 3, dislike very
much = 2, dislike extremely = 1.
The sensory evaluation was conducted following approval by
the Human Research Ethics Committee of the University of Newcastle,
Australia (Ethics approval number: 2008–0212).