The kids were weighed and allocated randomly to one of the
four following dietary treatments: standard diet plus 0, 0.5, 1
and 1.5 mg Cr per day as Cr-Met (Availa
Cr 1000, Zinpro Corporation, USA). The level of Cr in this study has been selected
due to previous research on goat[14–16]. The experimental diets
were formulated to be isocaloric and isonitrogenous, and to meet
NRC (2007) requirements (see[17]) and basal diet has contained
0.83 ppm Cr. Amount of Met in the basal diet is 0.22% and each
kg of Cr-Met supplementation used in this experiment includes
1000 mg (1 mg/g) Cr and 3000 mg (3 mg/g) of Met. Dry matter
intake (DMI) in all treatments was equal (about a kg; Cr-Met supplement did not cause a change in DMI; unreported data). It can be
stated that all the animals intake 2.2 g (2200 mg/day) Met by basal
diet plus the amount of Met available in Cr-Met supplementation.