The furniture industry in Turkey consists of micro-scale enterprises
engaged in workshop-type production using mostly traditional
methods. However, the number of small enterprises, as
well as medium-sized and large enterprises, has increased rapidly
in the last 15–20 years (Kades, 2012). The total number of enterprises
engaged in furniture production in different employment
size classes in Turkey is given in Table 1. It can be seen that
96.5% of all enterprises engaged in furniture production are
micro-sized enterprises that employ 1–9 people. The official number
of businesses operating in the furniture sector in Turkey is
35,053, and this number makes up about 2% of all industries. However,
there are also unregistered businesses operating in the furniture
industry, and therefore this figure is not exact. The proportion
of businesses that are unregistered is estimated to be between 50%
and 60% (Anonym, 2006).