In US, University of Rochester developed the Smart Medical Home [10] which is a controlled environment laboratory setting for concept testing, pilot and prototype testing of technologies and products for personal health system. The smart medical home is equipped with infrared sensors, biosensors, computers and video cameras to collect
the data that will augment the data collected by physicians and hospitals. Another project by University of Virginia, Smart InHome Monitoring System (Figure 2) developed in-home monitoring of residents using a set of low-cost, non-invasive sensors together with data-logging and communication module and data management system in order to increase quality of care and provide quality of life indicators [11]. The collected data can be used for the observation of general health and activity level, activities of daily living (ADL), index of well being and the decline in ability over time. The university also developed other projects related with elder care such as gait monitor device, MARC robotic walker, sleep monitoring system, etc.