1. the state or quality of being physically or mentally strong
2. the ability to withstand or exert great force, stress, or pressure
3. something that is regarded as being beneficial or a source of power: their chief strength is technology.
4. potency, as of a drink, drug, etc
5. power to convince; cogency: the strength of an argument.
6. degree of intensity or concentration of colour, light, sound, flavour, etc
7. the full or part of the full complement as specified: at full strength; below strength.
8. (Banking & Finance) finance firmness of or a rising tendency in prices, esp security prices
9. archaic or poetic a stronghold or fortress
10. informal Austral and NZ the general idea, the main purpose: to get the strength of something.
11. from strength to strength with ever-increasing success
12. in strength in large numbers
13. on the strength of on the basis of or relying upon