I must remind all our employees that they may NOT utilize company computers or the Internet other than for work-related business and essential personal messages..
Our network personnel have found that the company's internet bandwidth is seriously compromised by some employees who are using company computers for gaming, blogging, shopping, chatting, and downloading streaming video. In the past have given all employees permission to use the company's e-mail responsibly for essential personal messages. That benefit does not include checking your Facebook or Myspace accounts during work hours, downloading your favorite shows, sharing music or any other non-essential use of company resources. This not only wastes expensive resources but may also open the company to lawsuits for copyright violations.
If our company does not control its e-mail and Internet use, company business will be adversely effective, and it is my responsibility to prevent this. Every employee has the privilege to send a personal e-mail occasionally, but they must use that right responsibly.
In support of this policy the IT department will randomly monitor internet usage and will identify those who are violating the usage policy to management. These employees will be counseled and may be subject to disciplinary actions, up to and including termination.