This archive contains several volume datasets that are frequently used as test data in papers appearing in the computer graphics, scientific visualization, and volume rendering literatures.
These first two datasets are copies of a subset of the datasets in the "University of North Carolina Volume Rendering Test Data Set" archive. As of November 2000, that archive is still online at in the directory /pub/projects/image/CHVRTD/volII. These datasets were originally created in 1987-89 by Marc Levoy. They were assembled into an archive by Graham Gash ( of the University of North Carolina. The files in the archive you are currently looking at were reformatted by Bill Lorensen of General Electric to make them more convenient to read. These datasets are in the public domain. Neither the University of North Carolina nor Stanford University objects to your further distributing these files, but we request that full acknowledgement of the source of the data ("University of North Carolina") accompany such distribution. If you are going to send one of these data sets to someone, please also send the accompanying information file (*.info below) and this (clickable) announcement file.