As teachers look for inventive ways to help their students do better on
achievement tests, students will gain the most as successful methods are applied. The use
of classical music as an educational tool has been given much scrutiny as one of these
methods, especially as part of the windfall of the “Mozart Effect.” Studies in the future
may shed more light on this continuing controversy. Future studies may consider testing
students under conditions using music that is more aligned with their interests.
Researchers could also find it beneficial to use the same participants in a pre-test post-test
procedural design.
Teachers will need to become fully acquainted with “No Child Left Behind”
policies and keep up-to-date on state recommendations and renovations in standardized
testing. Only as teachers are fully prepared for educational changes can they make
appropriate adjustments in teaching methods. This will be necessary to insure that
students will be able to achieve their highest level of potential on standardized tests as
well as for their own personal success.