Abstract—Unique affect of computer and information
technology development on education in engineering is that
both higher education courses and product development
environments can utilize high performance methods, tools, and
systems. Product development relies upon sophisticated
product description and simulations. At the same time,
education of engineers involves teaching competences those are
also applied in product modeling and simulation. It is evident,
that connection of computer systems in product development
and higher education could bring a real integration of
academic system with field practice. A former result in
computer modeling of higher education courses was analyzed
by the authors regarding issues for application at the every day
practice of engineering education. This paper introduces new
results in possibilities for the support of higher education
programs considering recent advances in higher education and
engineering modeling processes. Paper starts with an outline of
supports for education programs in a computer system.
Following this, teaching, projects, and problem solving are
discussed in education program. Next, course description,
elements of higher education process, and main connections of
industrial instruction are explained in a practice oriented
context. Finally, integrating product modeling with course
modeling is sketched and concluded.