Children best learn language through playful learning experiences in the preschool classroom. The present study
focused on developing oral language skills in preschool children through a sociodramatic play intervention. The study
employed a case study design under qualitative approach. The researcher conducted a sociodramatic play intervention
collaboratively with the class teacher for a group of 10 children selected utilizing purposive sampling method in a
preschool classroom. The intervention was conducted in a preschool located in Colombo, Sri Lanka for 3 weeks. The
observation, interview and reflective journal were the instrument used to collect data. The observation carried under two
criteria namely, ability to initiate a conversation and ability to respond in a conversation revealed that the sociodramatic
play intervention created many opportunities to develop oral language skills in the children than the regular classroom
activities. The sociodramatic play activities enhanced children's oral language skills while creating a language rich
playful learning experiences.
Keywords: Language development, Early childhood education, Sociodramatic play