General Rules
No unsportsmanlike conduct will be allowed. Wrestlers may be disqualified or ejected for unsportsmanlike conduct. The referees will be shown maximum respect at all times. Their decisions are final and will not be overturned.
No striking, biting, pinching, choking, hairpulling, slapping, kicking eye gouging (includes chin to eye), head butting, small joint manipulation (finger or toe locks), hair pulling, grabbing the windpipe, or ear pulling will be permitted. No joint Locks, or leg submissions allowed at any time.
No Standing
No slamming allowed. Illegal slamming will be defined as slamming your opponent to escape submissions and/or to pass the guard; or standing from the guard and/or jumping from a standing position to slam your opponent. Slamming will result in an automatic DQ. There are no exceptions to this rule.
If the competitors near the edge of the mat, they will be restarted from the same position, unless the referee is unable to duplicate the position for any reason. In case the referee is unable to duplicate the position, the competitors will restart from a neutral position on their knees.
The Wrestler on the Bottom can not lock her own hands or wrists as a defensive stalling move. A Wrestler on her back can not lock guard around her opponent in a stalling maneuver to keep her opponent from "moving up the body". However, the wrestler on her back can lock the legs and go for a maneuver to gain control. If no control is gained, the lock must be removed after 5 seconds
Keep laughing and giggling to a minimum. This is a serious competition