The complete setup of experiment is shown in Fig. 1. The EC reactor was made of perpex glass sheet in which electrodes were dipped. These electrodes were connected with direct current (D.C.) power supply source. For stirring the reactor liquid magnetic bar was used. Its speed was adjusted by using a regulator. A 15 mm space was kept between bottom of reactor and plate for proper movement of stirrer. The plates, if connected in series, have higher resistance. In the parallel arrangement, the electric current is divided between all the electrodes in relation to the resistance of the individual cell, therefore, the electrode plate were arranged in parallel. After each experiment the electrode plates were cleaned manually by abrasion with sandpaper and they were treated with 10% HCl for cleaning followed by washing with distilled water prior to their use. The electrodes were spaced 10–25 mm apart. The characteristic of electro chemical reactor (ECR)