Good evening my dearest, how is your weekend there? honestly I'm growing deeper in love, because of the special feelings you have for me, i can not appreciate you enough honey, i'm always happy while reading your messages, , It gives me joy to be in love once again, after few years of isolation. Loving you gives me the certainty that my blood flows – happily – in my veins. You are the most beautiful, sweet and wonderful thing that could have happened to me recently, and I can only thank heaven for putting you in my path with the strength and persistence in your words. I'm becoming more aware of all this love that invades and takes over me. it only makes me to feel happy; you are a source of good feelings to me now, and the fountain of virtues and of joy to my very existence today. If the reason why I feel the way I feel is because of you, I can only reciprocate by devoted to you all my affection and attention, by dedicating to you the deepest and truest of loves, and by making myself available for anything you may need. There’s nothing happier in the world than reciprocated love, and this is how I feel about our love, reciprocated, true and, for all that, extremely happy!.. . All that i seek from you today and for the rest of our life is open heart, committed mind and promissory words of love, with God on our side, we will overcome every challenges, to hold each other in love and happiness soon. With a very tender kiss from someone that loves you very much and will never, ever forget you, Love you too... goodnight