questions 1 and 2. The 15 participants who completed the survey accounted for 68.2% of the total JFSC population. To establish a base of understanding, participants were asked to identify if they knew what the organization‘s goals were; 86.7% responded positively.
Face-to-face interviews were offered to 16 of JFSC‘s frontline staff aimed at capturing considerable data on participants‘ experiences, beliefs, and knowledge. Of the 16 potential participants, 32% or 5 staff took part in the interview method. Each of the five JFSC teams were represented and using aspects of AI, participants were asked six qualitative questions (see Appendix K).
The overarching themes that emerged as a result of a systematic analysis and integration of the quantitative and qualitative survey data and the qualitative interview data were: enhance teamwork and collaborative capacity, improve face-to-face communication, and build relationships within the organization. To validate the findings and determine what action plans were required to answer the research question, a focus group was utilized to engage the leadership team in a discussion of the overarching themes and subthemes. The focus group was offered to six members of JFSC‘s leadership team. Of the six potential participants, five or 83.3% of the leadership team attended the focus group session. Using aspects of AI, participants were asked six qualitative questions (see Appendix M). The focus group data were analyzed and recommendations and action plans were presented to address each overarching theme.
Theme #1: Enhance Teamwork and Collaborative Capacity
In all methods of research, teamwork and collaborative capacity emerged as a primary theme. In the quantitative data, the importance of enhancing teamwork was reflected through the responses to survey questions 6 and 21 (see Figures C5 and C13 in Appendix C). Survey question 6 revealed that 20% of the participants believed that they always team with other