We summarize below the descriptions of the two identified categories of female prisoners: 1. Expressive persons, with "attitude" – tend to show increased social skills (verbal and non-verbal communication), are characterized by the richness of the non-verbal behavior: active women (postural changes according with the situation, e.g. posture the "mirror" that fosterscommunication), in terms of expressive facial micro-expressions displayed (happiness, surprise), increased interpersonal skills, empathy, directionality (clear and direct expression of intentions), a "good" physical presence close proximity to each other,etc. The demographic data indicate that these people come from backgrounds with above average environmental or socio-economic status, with above average education levels, convicted of crimes as: fraud, incitement to fraud, robbery, theft, and drug trafficking and consumption etc. 2. Inexpressive persons, without "attitude" - tend to show low social skills, low level of expressiveness (closed posture, arms crossed, negative emotions in the field of facial micro-expressions - anger, sadness, fear), low level of self-esteem, anxiety, inner tension, apprehension, fear and distrust in their own forces. The demographic data indicate that these people come from poor backgrounds and illiterate or semi-illiterate environments. Within the category „expressive persons”, based on the literature in the field of emotion expression and recognition, we were able to identify several indicators of seductive behavior as it follows: x „Short” eye contact associated with micro-expressions and facial expressions of positive emotions sphere; x Biting the lower lip (lower lip covers lower teeth and the upper teeth biting caught only part of the lower lip, either left or right, not a rule); x Implied questions, hints; x Positioning the head to the left or right in order to expose the neck; x Self-touch (those movements that represent pleasurable gestures and come with the speech, a situation that reinforces the assertion - these touches, these type of touches are unconsciously directed towards each other); x Arranging hair; x Arrangement of clothes and jewelry; x Feet consolation, constantly changing their position; x Postural change of the whole body, while decreasing the space between the two people of opposite sex; x Gestures exposing the inner areas of the arms; x Symbolically usage of arms - "broken wing", with emphasizing the torso.
We consider that, from the perspective of professional efficiency (i.e. the psychological interview), the knowledge about these non-verbal signals transmitted by women is important when it comes to differentiate the seductive behavior from other behaviors, especially in the context of the prison-based environment, where the quality of life of the prisoners is not completely under their own control. Thus, in order to maintain a proper level of objectiveness in the psychological assessment, it is recommended to be aware and have information about these signals, so as the psychologist should be able to detach emotionally from the sexual significance of these evolutionary messages and act in a professional manner. Also, in the same light of assuring the optimal level of objectiveness in the process of psychological evaluation, based on the analysis of the interviews and on the literature, we recommend that, after the identification and recognition of the seductive behavior elements, the psychologist should try to restore the positions in the psychological evaluation process by an intrusive behavior displayed by the evaluator. This new suggested approach aims to rebalance positions in the psychological assessment and thus signal to the interviewee that she is positioned within a social context (interview), that there is one person who does the evaluation and that the structure of the