This block listens to events triggered in Moodle and captures some according to pre-defined rules. It then attributes experience points based on the information contained in the event. For more information about the events, refer to the documentation.
Only the users with the capability block/xp:earnxp can earn experience points. This capability is given by default to students. Also actions triggered by guests, non-logged in users or administrators are ignored.
The following events are always ignored:
Events from another context than course or module
Events having another educational level than participating
Events flagged as anonymous, e.g. in an anonymous Feedback
The rest is up to you. By default the plugin comes with a minimal set of rules to attribute experience points to actions, and to ignore some redundant ones. Visit the Rules page in the plugin itself to view or override them.
Note: Repeated actions within a short time interval are ignored to prevent cheating.