One of the most efficient tools to investigate these issues is game theory. In the construction management different decision-makers are involved at various stages such as design, construction, operation, utilization and maintenance, due to that the use of game theory is required in the definition and interpretation of the behavior of different parties involved the system. The most common issue in every project is that all involved parties prefer their own profits to overall system profits. Due to that the results obtained from game theory approach are different from results of traditional optimization method. Game theory provides a framework for evaluating the effects of individual decision makers’ actions on the result of the projects to develop satisfactory resolution more extensively. However game theory has not been used well in construction projects yet. Thus it is still unclear for all parties involved in the construction projects owing to lack of knowledge and understanding its basic concept. Game theory will become so interesting in construction industry to realize and resolve some construction projects conflicts which might not logically be solved
by conventional system engineering methods. In general game theory’s results are more logical and closer to practice since this method can better reflect behaviors of the parties involved in the project.