History of Flamenco Dance
To point out the stomping feet and fiery passion is merely brushing the surface of flamenco dance. Flamenco dance, as one-third of the quintessential Spanish phenomenon of flamenco, has an extensive historical background that parallels the cultural development of Spain itself.
Hailing from southern Spain's outcast populations, flamenco dance and music drew early influences from Greek and Roman and later from Indian, Moorish, and Jewish cultures. With the arrival of the Moorish and Jewish populations to the Iberian peninsula centuries ago, Andalusia's already thriving music and dance inadvertently began extracting characteristics from the newly-arrived populations. The flamenco dance and music that we see today are the dazzling results of centuries of absorbing and flawlessly sewing together elements of this myriad of diverse cultures.
Flamenco Dancing
Spanish Flanmenco
With the flourishing development of flamenco music emerged the equally rapid evolution of flamenco dance, which first appeared recognizeably as a structured dance in the 18th century. While flamenco's design in its origin revolves around the hearty voice of the singer, the impassioned flamenco dancers stunned audiences in special music cafés - called cafés cantantes - and quickly began stealing the show. Centuries of cultural melding later, what ironically began in caves as a form of personal expression by gypsies and other oppressed ethnicities has evolved into the flashy flamenco dance and music that has taken the world by storm.