To install Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010
Microsoft Open Volume License customers, the (VL) with Software Assurance (SA) license to download Office 2010 RTM, when April 27, 2010 (read more details at the Office 2010 RTM Available to Volume License Customers) for this article provides a step-by-step procedure for installing Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 on Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit version lol.
This file installs Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 Volume License Service Center to download from (VLSC) is in ISO image format, so will need to make a CD/DVD or pad down the burns will have to use the long drive to make mao ISO image before it can be used to perform the installation. By installing Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 has the following steps:
1. Insert the CD/DVD installation of Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 into the drive, and then in the User Account Control dialog box, click Continue (UAC) If AutoPlay is not working, Windows Explorer, click the icon, which is located on the right side of the Start button, and then double-click the CD/DVD drive.
2. wait until the program is preparing to set up the system in Read then completed the Microsoft Software License Terms, select the I accept check box in front of the terms in this agreement done, and then click Continue.
3. Choose the installation you want page, it will be his duty to choose whether to install a default or custom installation. (Customize) the default install, click Install Now, and then go to step 5 If you install a custom style, click Customize, and then go to step 4.
Note: it is recommended to install the customization (Customize) because there are many elements that are not necessary available.
4. in the next dialog box, select the elements of Microsoft Office that you want to install if you want to designate to use manual installation can be done by clicking the File Location tab, and then enter the path of the folder you want. If you want to define the details of a user, click the User Information tab, and then enter the details. Note that after a reset has successfully completed, click Install Now to begin the installation of Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010.
5. on the Installation Progress dialog box, wait until the installation has been completed.
6. in the next dialog box, click Close to exit Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 installation.
Get started with Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010.
After the installation of Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 successfully, click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Office, and then click the program you want to use, such as Microsoft Word 2010 or Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, etc.