Please make this viral
I am calling on all the Lightworkers
and energy workers across the globe, to pour in your light frequency energies into Mother Earth, and then to just hold your heart energies open.
Visualize your heart like an open white-golden chalice, and then allow the cosmic Goddess Love to fill this to overflowing with beautiful unconditional Love, Love Divine.
As your heart chalice fills up to overflowing, moving the energy from you heart, beam it out into the planet wherever you are being guided to send the energy into.
Then visualize all the people on the planet's heart energy centers opening up and then pour the energy into that. Do this until the whole earth and all on it are filled to overflowing with Divine Love.
Divine Love pouring through you and into All-That-is on planet Earth.
This then with the pure intention of pouring into all that is, pure unconditional love, love Divine flowing through you and into all that is.
Please do this for the next three weeks, as this is imperative to what has to happen now.
This is immense higher service work you can render at this time, to assist this whole energy shift at this momentous time.
Please make this viral.
This request comes via the Divine itself.
I thank you.
(Judith Kusel)
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