Circuit Grounding
Probably the single most important principle of reducing the pick-up of coherent noise
from internal sources in an electronic system is good grounding practice. It must be
appreciated that typical ground currents contain a large dc component on which rides
a coherent (ac) component, which is the result of conditioning the desired signal, or is
from the high frequency switching of digital (logic) circuits. At high frequencies,
ground wires appear as series R-L circuits, whose impedance increases with frequency.
If a circuit card contains both digital circuitry and low level analog amplifiers, and has a single ground connection, it is almost certain that the analog system will pick up the
coherent interference from the ground current flowing through the common ground
impedance of the digital circuits. Obviously, separate ground paths will help this
situation. Figure 3.37 illustrates a good grounding and electrostatic shielding architecture.
Note that there is a common tie point for all grounds at the power supply terminal. This
terminal may or may not be tied to the metal instrument case, which is always tied to
the green wire (power line earth ground). It is important to note that separate grounds
are used for low level analog, high level analog, digital and inductive (arcing) circuits
such as motors, solenoids and relays. The ground wire itself should be of heavy gauge;
if the þ and 15V dc supplies to a circuit card use #18 wire, then the ground should be
#14 stranded wire.