with a 3-cm hole. The small intestine was removed from
the abdomen and placed on the sterilized gauze that had
been soaked in warm saline. Before partial removal of
the intestine, the main arteries and veins distributing to
the area were ligated to prevent bleeding.
The pieces of the resected intestine were as follows: (1)
Length from the jejunal midpoint to the Meckel’s diverticulum
(50% jejunal resection; 50JR); (2) length from the jejunal
point 10-cm distal to the pancreatic and bile ducts to the
Meckel’s diverticulum (80% jejunal resection; 80JR); and (3)
length from the jejunal midpoint to the ileal point about 15-
to 20-cm proximal to the ileo-ceco-colic junction (50% jejunal
plus 70% ileal resection; 50JR þ 70IR) (Fig. 2). The transected
intestines were removed from the abdomen, and the
remnant intestinal segment was sutured by a side-to-side
suture using 3-0 synthetic absorbable sutures. The intestine
was joined and placed back into the abdominal cavity, and
abdominal membranes, muscles, and skin were sutured
using a surgical silk thread. In addition to these operated
groups, the study also had a group designated as the shamoperated
group wherein a similar surgical procedure without
intestinal resection was performed.
On the first day after operation, chickens were given
only water and thereafter had free access to water and
liquid diets. Conventionally bred chickens were set up as
intact controls. After operation, body weight was measured
every third day. Animal management was performed
according to the Guidelines and Rules for
Animal Experiments of Kagawa University, Japan.
with a 3-cm hole. The small intestine was removed fromthe abdomen and placed on the sterilized gauze that hadbeen soaked in warm saline. Before partial removal ofthe intestine, the main arteries and veins distributing tothe area were ligated to prevent bleeding.The pieces of the resected intestine were as follows: (1)Length from the jejunal midpoint to the Meckel’s diverticulum(50% jejunal resection; 50JR); (2) length from the jejunalpoint 10-cm distal to the pancreatic and bile ducts to theMeckel’s diverticulum (80% jejunal resection; 80JR); and (3)length from the jejunal midpoint to the ileal point about 15-to 20-cm proximal to the ileo-ceco-colic junction (50% jejunalplus 70% ileal resection; 50JR þ 70IR) (Fig. 2). The transectedintestines were removed from the abdomen, and theremnant intestinal segment was sutured by a side-to-sidesuture using 3-0 synthetic absorbable sutures. The intestinewas joined and placed back into the abdominal cavity, andabdominal membranes, muscles, and skin were suturedusing a surgical silk thread. In addition to these operatedgroups, the study also had a group designated as the shamoperatedgroup wherein a similar surgical procedure withoutintestinal resection was performed.On the first day after operation, chickens were givenonly water and thereafter had free access to water andliquid diets. Conventionally bred chickens were set up asintact controls. After operation, body weight was measuredทุกวันที่สาม มีดำเนินการจัดการสัตว์ป่าตามแนวทางและกฎทดลองสัตว์มหาวิทยาลัย Kagawa ญี่ปุ่น
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