Poverty and low educational level add to the problems (e.g. over
exploitation) of the marine ornamental fishery in this area. Even
though the monthly income per person is above the official Indonesian
poverty line of V 17.6 per capita and month (BPS, 2010), it is
very low and they need loans from middlemen (Ferse et al., 2012).
In remote islands, such as Sarappo Keke and Papandangan, where
marine ornamental fishery generates a high percentage of the income
of marine ornamental fishermen compared other islands in
this study, possibilities for an alternative livelihood are rather
Fishermen from islands that are closer to the mainland, e.g.
Barrang Lompo, have more opportunities to find an alternative
livelihood. However, the low educational level of marine fishermen
family members limits their alternatives.
Poverty and low educational level add to the problems (e.g. overexploitation) of the marine ornamental fishery in this area. Eventhough the monthly income per person is above the official Indonesianpoverty line of V 17.6 per capita and month (BPS, 2010), it isvery low and they need loans from middlemen (Ferse et al., 2012).In remote islands, such as Sarappo Keke and Papandangan, wheremarine ornamental fishery generates a high percentage of the incomeof marine ornamental fishermen compared other islands inthis study, possibilities for an alternative livelihood are ratherlimited. Fishermen from islands that are closer to the mainland, e.g.Barrang Lompo, have more opportunities to find an alternativelivelihood. However, the low educational level of marine fishermenfamily members limits their alternatives.
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