There are total 17 provinces in the northern region, comprising various geo-ecologies as well as many ethnics which settle in the areas of low-land, upland, and high mountains, in order to earn their livelihood. The plain area Thais – the major ethnic group, cluster at the basin of big rivers: Ping, Wang, Yom, Nan (the upper part of Chaophraya), and Ing and Lao of Kong River basin. They have their ways of life attached with rice planting culture. However, the low-land Thais of 8 upper Northern provinces (Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Lampang, Lampoon, Mae Hong Son, Phayao, Phrae, and Nan) have mainly sticky rice production and consumption culture. The northerners’ food has beauty because of their habits and gentle manners which affect their food (mostly vegetables).