Extrusion cooking studies were carried out with a
view to develop an instant porridge from wheat grits and
guava pulp at different levels from 10 to 50 %. The mixtures
were dried to bring down the moisture content to 12, 15 or
18% and processed using twin screw extruder. The properties
of extrudates (expansion ratio and density) and porridge (water
absorption index, water solubility index and sensory quality)
were studied. Increase in feed moisture content and guava
pulp level resulted in the decrease in expansion ratio and
increase in density of the extrudates. Water absorption index
(WAI) increased and water solubility index (WSI) decreased
with increase in feed moisture content. With increase in level
of pulp,WAI decreased and WSI increased.Highly acceptable
porridge was obtained at 15 % feed moisture content and 20
and 30 % guava pulp. To the samples with selected feed
moisture and pulp levels, sugar was added at 20, 25 and
30 % levels to prepare the final product. Sugar level of 30 %
was found out to be most acceptable. Fruit porridge stored in
LDPE and aluminum laminate pouches at ambient temperature
remained acceptable upto 6 months.