The aim of our study was to explore the dynamic of
paranoid syndromes in dependence on delusions of outside
control in a large number of schizophrenic patients.
The objects of the study were 160 patients (68 males,
92 females), aged 18-65 years. The patients were repeatedly
clinically examined and followed for a longer period of time
(from 6 months to 5 years).
Based on the results and their analysis, we
distinguished, under condition, three consecutive, but not
obligatory stages in the syndrome dynamic, including their
enrichment with hallucinations and pseudohallucinations and
transformation into paranoid-hallucinatory. In some cases the
clinical picture of the syndromes remain on the same stage
during the whole period of the illness, while in other- a
consecutive transition from one to another stage is observed.
The first stage - the outside influence is concrete and
is not accompanied by a developed delusional conception.
It is rather felt and suspected by some indirect signs than
realized. The loss and the affiliation to one’s own psychic
functions and acts coexist. This stage includes mostly verbal
hallucinations and pseudohallucinations, commenting
thoughts and acts, threatening or indifferent in content
“peculiar” voices, the feeling of “transparency”, proved by
some gestures and actions towards surroundings, echo of
someone’s own thoughts. The appearance of alien thoughts
is mostly felt, because of their unusual content or sensations,
or senestopathy, etc. The first stage was observed in 143 /
89.37%/ patients. Out of them in 52 /36.36%/ a complete clinical
remission was reached, 91 /56.87%/ entered the second stage,
and a very small part- 11/12.08%/ reached the third stage.
On the second stage the feeling of outside influence
distinctly concretizes and forms delusional conception of
outside influence and control. A number of psychic
experiences, sensations or psychomotor acts are ruminated
AIM:The aim of our study was to explore the dynamic ofparanoid syndromes in dependence on delusions of outsidecontrol in a large number of schizophrenic patients.SUBJECTS AND METHODS:The objects of the study were 160 patients (68 males,92 females), aged 18-65 years. The patients were repeatedlyclinically examined and followed for a longer period of time(from 6 months to 5 years).RESULTS:Based on the results and their analysis, wedistinguished, under condition, three consecutive, but notobligatory stages in the syndrome dynamic, including theirenrichment with hallucinations and pseudohallucinations andtransformation into paranoid-hallucinatory. In some cases theclinical picture of the syndromes remain on the same stageduring the whole period of the illness, while in other- aconsecutive transition from one to another stage is observed.The first stage - the outside influence is concrete andis not accompanied by a developed delusional conception.It is rather felt and suspected by some indirect signs thanrealized. The loss and the affiliation to one’s own psychicfunctions and acts coexist. This stage includes mostly verbalhallucinations and pseudohallucinations, commentingthoughts and acts, threatening or indifferent in content“peculiar” voices, the feeling of “transparency”, proved bysome gestures and actions towards surroundings, echo ofsomeone’s own thoughts. The appearance of alien thoughtsเป็นความรู้สึกส่วนใหญ่ เนื่องจากเนื้อหาที่ผิดปกติหรือความรู้สึกหรือ senestopathy ฯลฯ ระยะแรกพบว่า ใน 143 /89.37% / ผู้ป่วย จากพวกเขาใน /36.36 52% / การดำเนินการทางการแพทย์ปลด แล้ว 91 /56.87% / ป้อนขั้นสองและ 11/12.08%/ เป็นส่วนหนึ่งเล็กมากถึงขั้นที่สามในขั้นสองของอิทธิพลภายนอกconcretizes อย่างเห็นได้ชัด และรูปแบบความคิดไหมอิทธิพลภายนอกและการควบคุม จำนวนของกายสิทธิ์ประสบการณ์ ความรู้สึก หรือการกระทำ psychomotor ruminated
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