The result indicated that all the five hypothesized paths that were tested, in this
study, were significant and the directionality of all those significant hypothesized paths
was positive. The result for the structural model is shown in Figure 2. The structural
model shows the significant paths. Out of the five significant paths, two paths (SAT ->
ATT and ATT -> CWER) were significant at 0.01 level and the t-values for those two
paths were 8.83 and 8.54 respectively. Two paths (CWER -> RS, and SAT -> RS) were
significant at 0.05 level. The t-values for those significant paths were 1.82 and 1.66
respectively. One path (KNOW -> ATT) was significant at 0.10 level and the t-value was
1.37. The result of the structural model is shown in Table 4.11.
attitude toward
the firm (ATT)
willingness to
engage in a
(CWER) .05*
(1.37) .09**
about CRM
(8.83) Relationship
share (RS)
( 1.66)
*p < 0.1; **p < 0.05; ***p < 0.01
Figure 2: Final revised model