Abstract—As the complexity of designs increases and technology scales down into the deep-submicron domain, the probability of
malfunctions and failures in the networks-on-chip (NoCs) components increases. In this work, we focus on the study and evaluation of
techniques for increasing reliability and resilience of network interfaces (NIs) within NoC-based multiprocessor system-on-chip
architectures. NIs act as interfaces between intellectual property cores and the communication infrastructure; the faulty behavior of one
of them could affect, therefore, the overall system. In this work, we propose a functional fault model for the NI components by
evaluating their susceptibility to faults. We present a two-level fault-tolerant solution that can be employed for mitigating the effects of
both permanent and temporary faults in the NI. Experimental simulations show that with a limited overhead, we can obtain an NI
reliability comparable to the one obtainable by implementing the system by using standard triple modular redundancy techniques, while
saving up to 48 percent in area, as well as obtaining a significant energy reduction.