The OWAS (Ovaco Working Analysing System) method, proposed by the Finnishes Karu, Kansi e Kuorinka (1997), is based on the sample of activities done in constant or variable intervals, verifying the frequency and the time taken in each posture. Legs, arms, beck and postures demanding strength, and also the phase of the activity were considered. The methods OCRA, OREGE, Strain Index, ACGIH evaluate the superior members factors of risk. The ERGO-IBV method, developed by the Bio-mechanic Institute of Valencia, in Spain, evaluates the hand manipulation of loads, repetitive tasks and imposed postures. Some other registers are used, for example then ones from Colombini e Occhimpinti (1995); Malchaire (1998); Moore and Garg (1995); Rodgers (1989).