The synoptic weather condition during the IOP in September 2010 was analyzed from NCEP GFS global model meteorological analysis (Fig. 2). A south–north pressure gradient existed over the Indian Peninsula with high pressure distributed to the south and low pressures along the axis of the monsoon trough extending from northwest India to the head of Bay of Bengal near Calcutta during the observation period. The surface winds in September 2010 were mostly westerly/south-westerly with a wind speed of order of 4 to 7 ms−1 in the southern Peninsular India. In the upper air at 200 hPa (~14 km, top of troposphere) the winds were easterly. Results of qualitative and quantitative comparison of simulated PBL variables winds, temperature, humidity, surface fluxes, vertical profiles of the above parameters and their time-height variations from the fine nest domain are presented.