Haberber’s book is also notable for the fact that there is only one mention of Say’s Law and that is in the citation of a title to an article by Hans Neisser. Even here, the reason for the citation is Neisser’s cycle theory; there is no discussion of Say or Say’s Law here or elsewhere in Haberler’s book. Coming at this same question from Keynes’s position, his chapter in The General Theory, “Notes on the Trade Cycle,” while clearly separating his new theory from then-current business cycle theories, is at the same time, very respectful of those theories. Again, there is no mention of Say’s Law. What Keynes purports to do is to use his new theory to clear up questions raised, but not answered satisfactorily, by existing cycle theories. He says, “if we are right … our theory must be capable of explaining the phenomena of the trade cycle.”