The Women’s Network for East Japan
Disaster is an organization, which has
promoted the human rights of vulnerable
people, particularly women, in the recovery
and reconstruction process, and disaster
prevention strategies, paying attention to the
diversity of disaster-affected people.
Each affected person has different needs.
They might be categorized as “affected
people” as a whole; however, the assistance
needed differs depending on gender, sexual
identity, age, disability, nationality, mother
tongue, family structure and employment
status, and so on. When we asked, “Do you
provide assistance considering differing
needs?”, the disaster response workers we
interviewed often replied, “We can’t do it
because we do not have any experts.” Many
people think supporting women is only
undertaken by women’s groups, and
supporting the disabled by disability
organizations. However, is it true that only
expert organizations are able to respond to
these diverse needs?
If groups with expertise of a particular field
exist in the affected area, it is possible to
leave it on them; however, not every place has
such organizations. Moreover, it is not
expected that such organizations work
properly in the unusual circumstances of
It is community-based organizations, local
governments and voluntary organizations that
start emergency response operation first and
continue to work in the field for a long time
after the recovery period. It is important that
everyone be able to provide diversity-sensitive
support rather than wait for specialist
“ I n t e g r a t i n g G e n d e r a n d D i v e r s i t y
Perspectives into Disaster Response; The
Support We Wanted!” collects examples of
disaster response activities undertaken by