Dreams come true-Professor Alexander Graham Bell and the story of the telephone
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A dream come true
The young professor was working in his workshop in a narrow street in Boston, a few steps from scullery square. It was a very hot afternoon in June, but the man didn't notice. He was totally absorbed in his strange machine which he had been working for about three years. Suddenly he heard an almost inaudible sound, the first sound ever transmitted through a wire. The machine was the very first telephone and the young man was Alexander Graham Bell.
Although he was only 28 years old at the time, Alexander had been working in the fields of speech, anatomy, electricity and telegraphy for over 11 years. His grandfather had invented a speech problems. In fact, his whole family had been involved in the study of speech and sounds. Alexander’s father had also written several books on how to speak correctly as well as creating a form of sign language called ‘visible speech’.
At the age of 16 Alexander started to help teach young deaf mutes. He used his father’s system of ‘visible speech’and achieved amazing results. Sadly, around this time the brutal disease called the white plague, spread trough Britain and both Alexander’s brother died. As a result Alexander and his parents left the country and moved to Canada. He was teaching to a tribe of Mohawk Indians in a small Canadian town called Bretford, when the Boston Board of Education asked him to come and work in the USA at a new school for deaf mutes.
He became so successful that he soon opened his own school called ‘The School of Vocal Physiology’. However , he was so busy there that he did not have the time to work on his inventions