Read it please Ban it now! Don't you care about these animals suffering?!?! What if I sprayed bleach in your eyes? Would you think its nothing! Consider this please! Enough animals are dying and suffering in the wild, why do you want to top it up? They may not be able to tell you this, but they have feelings to you know!? What if you lost your voice and some scientists took you and smeared you in poisen and you couldn't say anything what would you do? You would suffer in silence!! THINK ABOUT OUR BELOVED CREATURES BEFORE ITS TOO LATE.
Posted by: AnonymousReport Post
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It is very cruel Why should animals stay in cages for the rest of their lives and only be let out when tested and sometimes they even get put down after been testing or but back into their cages. It is not fair at all. Imagine you sitting in a cage for the rest of your life. They have feelings too.
Posted by: AnonymousReport Post
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Animals have feelings to Animal experimentation has been a commonly debated subject for many years, is it cruelty or science? About 1.4 million animals die each year from animal testing. This is because of harsh ways animals are treated like by their experimenters. Animals should be free of the cruelty scientists expose them to because they have just as much sentient as humans do.
Posted by: AnonymousReport Post
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Ban it!!!! And if you disagree...... It is absolutely imperative that we ban animal testing due to the fact that...
-waste of money
-90 percent of medicines tested on animals fail on humans
-they feel pain just like us
-they haven't done anything to us
got it? You should !
And if you still don't get it , just get it !
Posted by: AnonymousReport Post
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An end to animal testing. We're now living in the 21st century, and subjecting animals to long and painful experiments is no longer needed to advance as a society. Banning animal testing will in no way hurt any advancements in the future. 9 out of 10 times, the testing is found inaccurate in the end anyways. We now have alternatives such as bio-engineering and computer modeling that can provide us better, more accurate results than animal testing. It's also a much faster and cheaper method.
Posted by: AnonymousReport Post
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Animal testing illegalized Animal testing should be illegal! Hurting animals is the same way as hurting people. Someone can easily hurt anyone just like a animal. I don't think a human would like to be getting hurt and would like to suffer, animals have feelings and would like someone to love them not hurt them.
Posted by: AnonymousReport Post
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