It’s strange that they’re not avoiding battles.”
Weed continued to attack Pollon’s Hermes Guild unit with the undead relentlessly. Meanwhile Pale’s party and the Geomchis had arrived from Morata to hunt Bar Khan. When they heard news of the endless battle they came riding their bulls.
“Keoheom, so we’re here now.”
Geomchi3 descended from his bull and looked at Pollon’s unit of archers.
“It’s still not over yet?”
“Sahyung, that must be our share that’s left behind.”
Pollon had suffered a lot of damage since he was only focusing on defense. They had used magic and arrows to attack the undead as they came closer but they suffered a lot of damage from the undead as the fight went on. Their total of 200 knights had now decreased to 127.
Out of the one thousand mage and archers, they only and 130 left intact. Comparably, Weed’s Undead Legion was not badly injured while 73 of Pallon’s units were in bad condition. The very same Knight units from the Kingdom of Haven that could occupy a castle were now in such a state. Geomchi got off of his bull and took out the food ingredients.
“Weed, I’m starving. I want to eat some grilled meat.”
Delicious, quick to eat grilled meat. The Geomchis had brought food over from Morata in order to eat. It did not matter if they wanted to eat rice in the middle of the fight with the Hermes Guild! Weed made some marinade for the meat as the Geomchis handed over their weapons and armor.
“It’s a bit worn out.”
“I just came back from the ocean. Can you fix it?”
The Geomchis took off their black armor that had less than 20 durability points left.
“It will not be that difficult since its not completely broken.”
Weed repaired the equipment to maximum durability and set a whetstone on the floor.
“Hello. You look good as a Doom Knight.”
“Long time no see, I’m Belotte.”
Pale cautiously made his way around Pollon’s camp to scout and returned.
“Euheum, the rangers of the Hermes Guild…they’re not going to be that challenging. By the way, Maylon is on today.”
“At such a time?”
“Let me see if its time yet”
Maylon was busy everyday so she decided to take a vacation for this major battle to go hunt Bar Khan. The priest and paladins from Morata watched as Weed, that they looked up to and admired, carried on in ordinary conversation with his friends.
“At such a time…! In front of such a large battle, how can they be so relaxed.’
‘Are they not scared of the Hermes Guild?’
Weed worked the whetstone as the paladins and priests came by to say their hellos.
“Nice to meet you Weed.”
High level priests and paladins! They could not read the expression on Doom Knight’s Weed’s face. Weed began to contemplate his possibilities with the priests and paladins.
“Do you have everything you need?”
“Would you like to have a bargain?”
Inside his backpack were all sorts of japtem and rusty weapons such as maces for priests to use. For priests, it had many divine stats that would help them in the fight against the undead. Weed had used the undead to keep fighting against Pollon’s Hermes Guild unit regularly.
“Who are they?”
“Weed’s colleagues?”
“I don’t know why they came here. Surely they’re not here to help Weed attack us?”
From the report that they had on Weed, he mostly moved alone and only had a few friends. However there were more than 1000 priests and paladins with the Geomchis that have arrived. Weed was not the type to ask for help in a personal fight. There was no way that Pollon had thought that he had called them from Morata to hunt down Bar Khan.
“I’m in trouble.”