Once upon a time there was a husband and wife who lived next door to an enchantress named Dame Gothel, who had great powers and was dreaded by all the world. She also had a beautiful garden that was surrounded by a high wall.
One day, while sitting next to a high window, the wife looked down onto Dame Gothel’s garden and saw the most beautiful rampion.
Rampion is a member of the bellflower family and has bluish flowers. Its edible leaves and roots are typically used in salads. Rampion grows wild and is also known as rapunzel.
The wife desired to eat the rampion, but she knew she could not get any so she pined away and became pale and miserable. Her husband grew alarmed.
What ails you, dear wife?
If I cannot eat some of that rampion, I shall die.
The husband loved his wife and decided to get her some, no matter what the cost. At twilight, he climbed over the fence, grabbed some rampion and took it to his wife.
She ate it greedily. It tasted so good that her desire for rampion increased three times what it was before.
To appease her, the husband once more climbed over the fence, but Dame Gothel was waiting for him.
How dare you descend like a thief and steal from my garden. You shall suffer for this!
Please, let mercy take the place of justice. My wife saw your rampion and said she would die if she could not eat some.
If that is the case, then you may take as much rampion as you like, but on one condition.
Your wife will give birth soon and you must give me the child. I will treat it well and care for it just like a mother.
When the time came, the husband gave a new baby girl to Dame Gothel. This baby girl was named Rapunzel and she grew into the most beautiful child under the sun.
When Rapunzel turned twelve, Dame Gothel took her into the forest and shut her up in a tall tower that had no stairs and no door. There was only a small window high above the ground.
When Dame Gothel came to visit, she stood under that window and called –
Rapunzel, Rapunzel,
Let down your hair to me.
Rapunzel had magnificent long hair which she kept braided. She would wind her braids around a hook on the windowsill and then let the rest fall over twenty ells to the ground.
An ell is an old unit of measurement of nearly forty-five inches, which means that this window was about ninety feet above the ground.
Dame Gothel grabbed the braided hair as one would grab a rope, and with Rapunzel’s help pulling, this is how she climbed up and into the tower.
Thank you, my dear.
A year or two passed and a Prince, while riding through the forest, heard Rapunzel singing. He looked for a door to the tower, but couldn’t find one, so he rode home.
Each day he returned to the forest to listen to her pretty voice. Finally, one morning he saw Dame Gothel approach the tower and call –
Rapunzel, Rapunzel,
Let down your hair to me.
The Prince watched with surprise as the braided hair fell and Dame Gothel climbed up to the window and then back down from the window later that afternoon. He left and returned the next day at twilight. The Prince called –
Rapunzel, Rapunzel,
Let down your hair to me.
Her braids fell and up he climbed.
At first, Rapunzel was frightened. Having been raised behind the high walls of Dame Gothel’s garden and inside the tower – Rapunzel had never seen a young man.
But the Prince talked to her as a friend. He finally said –
Your singing has captured my heart and this is why I had to meet you. Please, won’t you marry me?
Rapunzel thought –
He will love me more than old Dame Gothel does.
And so, to the Prince, Rapunzel said –
Yes, I will marry you. But I need to get down from this tower. Bring me a skein of silk each time you visit and I shall weave a ladder. When it is ready, I shall descend and we will ride back to the castle on your horse.
Because Dame Gothel came only during the day, the Prince visited Rapunzel each evening. Dame Gothel suspected nothing, until one day, Rapunzel said –
Tell me, Dame Gothel, why are you so much heavier for me to draw up than the Prince? He will be here soon.
What did you say?! Why, you wicked child! I thought I had separated you from all the world!
In her anger, she clutched Rapunzel’s braids, cut them off, and tied them to the hook on the windowsill. Then, using her great magic, she sent Rapunzel to a desert to live in grief and misery.
When the Prince arrived, Dame Gothel was waiting for him.
Aha! Your beautiful bird no longer sings in this nest. The cat has gotten her and this same cat is now going to scratch your eyes out. You will never see Rapunzel again!
Oh no you don’t!
The Prince leapt from the tower and, by luck,