Individual and Social Influences on consumer behaviors
The consumer decision making process is influenced by various factors, those factors can be summarized as social, psychological and personal factors. Social factors include reference groups and group compliance so that behavior is influenced by specific values, codes and culture and distinguishes groups from each other.
Family is defined as a group of two or more people related by birth, marriage or adoption and residing together.
Household is a family and any unrelated person residing in the same house and consuming food from the same kitchen including family household and institutional household such as home stay, hostel.
It can be noted that all families are households, but all households are not family.
The influences of family on consumer behaviors
A family brings its own values, codes and rituals and represent a special reference group with family members frequently exchanging feedback on consumed products and/or future- planned purchases. This interaction is a fundamental building block in influencing purchase behavior within a family.
Various studies showed that the family is changing its structural influence in the society, a big extended family in the past, holding the traditional role of a providing security is now replaced by a more nuclear family model containing unmarried couples, one-person households or lone-parent families.
Those changes surely influence buying behavior but as for now we can recognize the traditional family as main collective decision making unit that distinguishes (differentiates) from other reference groups to the extent that a face to face interaction is taken place regularly, subordination (submission/the state of being controlled by others) of one’s personal consumption goals in connections with the family goals of upcoming (following) buying decisions, products are shared and thereby rules for consumption will influence any decision prior the actual (real) purchase and finally family members can act as purchasing agent for another member of the family.
Particular the last point of being a purchasing agent for another family member, has changed during the last ten or twenty years. In fact that parents spent less time in making purchase decisions for the whole family puts children in a unique position to influence product purchase and diffuse a parents income.
The mentioned factors above will lead to dispute (argue) and potential (possible) conflict that need to be resolved by its members and resulting in a higher value for compliance (yielding) compared with other reference groups.
Apart from those individual influence factors, a family consists of different stages (family life cycle) where its members pending on age and social status influences other members to change their buying behaviors to reflect a projected (scheduled) social image. This image projection creates expectation on other family members to adapt (adjust/change) their social image and buying behaviors.
Types of Family
A family can be classified into 2 categories which include traditional family types and new modes of family
1. Traditional Family Types include 5 types as follows;
Married Couple consisting of husband and wife.
Nuclear Family consisting of husband, wife and at least one child.
Extended Family consisting of Nuclear Family with at least one grandparent.
Joint Family consisting of blood relatives and their spouses (married persons) with kids staying together.
In Thailand, there are different types of family, but traditional ways of living still influence how a family is formed. In the past, Thai people live together as a big family known as Extended Family. While Joint Family can be found for some reasons in both urban and rural areas where family relationship is strong and close enough to share responsibility of looking after family members of blood relatives. For example, a family of younger sister moves into a family of her elder sister in another province, when her husband gets a new job in that province, but this relationship of family can be continued as long as they have enough spaces for all members of the family to live together and they can get along with each other (อยู่ร่วมกันฉันท์มิตร). For Married Couple, this type of family can take place just for a period of time that there are only a husband and a wife in a family. As soon as they start having a child as their family member, the relationship in a family will turn into another type of a family called Nuclear Family. However, the influences of urban society have transformed (turned) a family of Thai people into Nuclear Family. It spreads to many parts of the country, especially, in urban areas and their surroundings.
2. New Modes of Family include 4 types as follows;
Blended Family consisting of a family in which either or both partners were previously (formerly )married.
Single Parent Family consisting of a family in which only one of parent is present.
Unmarried Family consisting of unmarried parents living together.
Communal Family consisting of a group of families living together and sharing responsibility.
The influences of western society gradually (slowly) affect the ways people live together. They also change the meaning of a family in this modern age. Marriage seems less important to some people. For this reason, they form a family without getting married known as Unmarried Family. In addition, the breakdown of family relationship has turned the relationship of husband and wife into partners living together, this type of family is called Blended Family. The breakdown of family relationship also causes the situations in which single parent is present and becomes a head of a family taking care of family members, this kind of families is known as Single Parent Family. While changes in society tend to decrease the number of family members, the new type of family called Communal Family leads to the increase of family members, but the relationship within a family seems less connected since many families are invited to live together and share responsibility in the house. In Thailand, this type of family has long been found in traditional living of Chinese descent family, but their relationship is more connected as a family. In this modern age, people of many families tend to live together for financial reasons instead of family relations.
Family Life Cycle includes 5 stages as follows;
Stage 1 : Bachelorhood , people in this stage have few financial burdens (responsibility). They tend to spend their money on fashion and recreation-oriented activities.
Stage 2 : Newly Married Couple, people in this stage spend a lot of money on consumable and durable (long-lasing) products as they are more interested in buying a house, car, household items, furniture for a family. As a newly married couple, they spend their time and money on romantically-inclined activities. Though there are expenses for a new family, they are financially better because two people together help earn a living for a family.
Stage 3 : Parenthood, people in this stage have high purchases for their children which can be divided into 3 stages as follows;
- Elementary School Stage, there will be high purchases of baby food & baby-oriented products
- High School Stage, when their children are growing up. They spend less money on baby-oriented products, but spend more money on their education. However, the financial status in this stage is getting better. Thus, parents save their money for their children’s higher education.
- College Phrase, in this stage all children are still financially dependent. So, a family has a major expense on their children’s high education. A family has high influences on purchases of their children’s education.
Stage 4 : Post Parent Hood, people in this stage have no dependent children. A head of a family is still working in labor force. So, he/she tends to spend money on self development for better opportunities in a career path.
Stage 5 : Dissolution which can be divided into 2 sides as follows;
Solitary survivor, there is a single surviving head of family working in labor force and he/ she needs to be supported by a family and friends. With no dependent children and more experience of working, he/she has high expendable income and tends to spend more money on loneliness reducing products/services.
Solitary survivor, there is a single surviving wife with low levels of income and savings. However, as she is getting older, she has some expenses on medical products, security and affection.
Types of Family Decisions
Husband Dominated Decisions
For this type of decision making, husband takes the purchase decision traditionally in products like automobiles, alcohol, insurance.
Wife Dominated Decisions
For this type of decision making, wife takes the purchase decisions traditionally in products like household maintenance items, food and kitchen appliances.
Joint Decision Making
For this type of decision making, both husband and wife make the decisions traditionally in education and school choices of their children, family vacations and living room furniture.
Child Dominated Decision Making
For this type of decision making, child makes the final products decisions traditionally on child-related items such as furniture for his/her bed room, toys, clothes, shoes and a school bag.
Unilateral Decision Making
For this type of decision making, it can be taken by any member of the family. The choices of decision are traditionally on low-priced items.
Reference Group
Reference group is a group whose presumed (considered) perspectives (potential/likely) or values are being used by an individual as the basis for his/ her current behavior.
Types of Reference Groups can be divided into 3 groups as follows;
1. The membership and non-membership, either one is a member of a particular group or one is not a member of that group. Some m
แต่ละ และ อิทธิพลทางสังคมกับพฤติกรรมผู้บริโภคกระบวนการทำให้ตัดสินใจผู้บริโภคได้รับอิทธิพลจากปัจจัยต่าง ๆ สามารถสรุปปัจจัยที่เป็นปัจจัยทางสังคม จิตใจ และส่วนบุคคล ปัจจัยทางสังคมได้แก่กลุ่มอ้างอิงและปฏิบัติตามกฎระเบียบของกลุ่มเพื่อให้ลักษณะการทำงานมีอิทธิพล โดยเฉพาะค่า รหัสและวัฒนธรรม และกลุ่มแตกต่างกันแฟมิลี่ ครอบครัวเป็นฤดู และกำหนดเป็นกลุ่มสองคน หรือมากกว่าที่เกี่ยวข้อง โดยการเกิด แต่งงาน หรือยอมรับร่วมกันครัวเรือน ครัวเรือนเป็นครอบครัวและบุคคลไม่เกี่ยวข้องใด ๆ ในบ้านเดียวกัน และใช้อาหารจากครัวเดียวกันรวมทั้งครอบครัวในครัวเรือนและครัวเรือนสถาบันเช่นโฮมสเตย์ โฮสเทลมันสามารถจะสังเกตว่า ครอบครัวทั้งหมดครัวเรือน แต่ไม่มีครัวเรือนทั้งหมดครอบครัวอิทธิพลของครอบครัวกับพฤติกรรมผู้บริโภคครอบครัวของตัวเองค่า รหัส และพิธีกรรม และเป็นตัวแทนกลุ่มอ้างอิงพิเศษกับครอบครัวบ่อยแลกเปลี่ยนผลป้อนกลับเกี่ยวกับการใช้ผลิตภัณฑ์และ/หรือในอนาคต - แผนซื้อ โต้ตอบนี้เป็นกลุ่มอาคารพื้นฐานในการมีอิทธิพลต่อพฤติกรรมการซื้อภายในครอบครัวการศึกษาต่าง ๆ พบว่า ครอบครัวมีอิทธิพลของโครงสร้างครอบครัวแบบขยายใหญ่ในอดีต สังคมเปลี่ยนแปลง ถือบทบาทดั้งเดิมของความปลอดภัยให้ถูกแทนที่ ด้วยอย่างนิวเคลียร์ครอบครัวแบบประกอบด้วยคู่โสด one-person ครัวเรือน หรือครอบครัวหลักโดด ๆ ตอนนี้Those changes surely influence buying behavior but as for now we can recognize the traditional family as main collective decision making unit that distinguishes (differentiates) from other reference groups to the extent that a face to face interaction is taken place regularly, subordination (submission/the state of being controlled by others) of one’s personal consumption goals in connections with the family goals of upcoming (following) buying decisions, products are shared and thereby rules for consumption will influence any decision prior the actual (real) purchase and finally family members can act as purchasing agent for another member of the family.Particular the last point of being a purchasing agent for another family member, has changed during the last ten or twenty years. In fact that parents spent less time in making purchase decisions for the whole family puts children in a unique position to influence product purchase and diffuse a parents income. The mentioned factors above will lead to dispute (argue) and potential (possible) conflict that need to be resolved by its members and resulting in a higher value for compliance (yielding) compared with other reference groups.Apart from those individual influence factors, a family consists of different stages (family life cycle) where its members pending on age and social status influences other members to change their buying behaviors to reflect a projected (scheduled) social image. This image projection creates expectation on other family members to adapt (adjust/change) their social image and buying behaviors.Types of FamilyA family can be classified into 2 categories which include traditional family types and new modes of family1. Traditional Family Types include 5 types as follows;Married Couple consisting of husband and wife.Nuclear Family consisting of husband, wife and at least one child.Extended Family consisting of Nuclear Family with at least one grandparent. Joint Family consisting of blood relatives and their spouses (married persons) with kids staying together.In Thailand, there are different types of family, but traditional ways of living still influence how a family is formed. In the past, Thai people live together as a big family known as Extended Family. While Joint Family can be found for some reasons in both urban and rural areas where family relationship is strong and close enough to share responsibility of looking after family members of blood relatives. For example, a family of younger sister moves into a family of her elder sister in another province, when her husband gets a new job in that province, but this relationship of family can be continued as long as they have enough spaces for all members of the family to live together and they can get along with each other (อยู่ร่วมกันฉันท์มิตร). For Married Couple, this type of family can take place just for a period of time that there are only a husband and a wife in a family. As soon as they start having a child as their family member, the relationship in a family will turn into another type of a family called Nuclear Family. However, the influences of urban society have transformed (turned) a family of Thai people into Nuclear Family. It spreads to many parts of the country, especially, in urban areas and their surroundings.2. New Modes of Family include 4 types as follows;Blended Family consisting of a family in which either or both partners were previously (formerly )married.Single Parent Family consisting of a family in which only one of parent is present.
Unmarried Family consisting of unmarried parents living together.
Communal Family consisting of a group of families living together and sharing responsibility.
The influences of western society gradually (slowly) affect the ways people live together. They also change the meaning of a family in this modern age. Marriage seems less important to some people. For this reason, they form a family without getting married known as Unmarried Family. In addition, the breakdown of family relationship has turned the relationship of husband and wife into partners living together, this type of family is called Blended Family. The breakdown of family relationship also causes the situations in which single parent is present and becomes a head of a family taking care of family members, this kind of families is known as Single Parent Family. While changes in society tend to decrease the number of family members, the new type of family called Communal Family leads to the increase of family members, but the relationship within a family seems less connected since many families are invited to live together and share responsibility in the house. In Thailand, this type of family has long been found in traditional living of Chinese descent family, but their relationship is more connected as a family. In this modern age, people of many families tend to live together for financial reasons instead of family relations.
Family Life Cycle includes 5 stages as follows;
Stage 1 : Bachelorhood , people in this stage have few financial burdens (responsibility). They tend to spend their money on fashion and recreation-oriented activities.
Stage 2 : Newly Married Couple, people in this stage spend a lot of money on consumable and durable (long-lasing) products as they are more interested in buying a house, car, household items, furniture for a family. As a newly married couple, they spend their time and money on romantically-inclined activities. Though there are expenses for a new family, they are financially better because two people together help earn a living for a family.
Stage 3 : Parenthood, people in this stage have high purchases for their children which can be divided into 3 stages as follows;
- Elementary School Stage, there will be high purchases of baby food & baby-oriented products
- High School Stage, when their children are growing up. They spend less money on baby-oriented products, but spend more money on their education. However, the financial status in this stage is getting better. Thus, parents save their money for their children’s higher education.
- College Phrase, in this stage all children are still financially dependent. So, a family has a major expense on their children’s high education. A family has high influences on purchases of their children’s education.
Stage 4 : Post Parent Hood, people in this stage have no dependent children. A head of a family is still working in labor force. So, he/she tends to spend money on self development for better opportunities in a career path.
Stage 5 : Dissolution which can be divided into 2 sides as follows;
Solitary survivor, there is a single surviving head of family working in labor force and he/ she needs to be supported by a family and friends. With no dependent children and more experience of working, he/she has high expendable income and tends to spend more money on loneliness reducing products/services.
Solitary survivor, there is a single surviving wife with low levels of income and savings. However, as she is getting older, she has some expenses on medical products, security and affection.
Types of Family Decisions
Husband Dominated Decisions
For this type of decision making, husband takes the purchase decision traditionally in products like automobiles, alcohol, insurance.
Wife Dominated Decisions
For this type of decision making, wife takes the purchase decisions traditionally in products like household maintenance items, food and kitchen appliances.
Joint Decision Making
For this type of decision making, both husband and wife make the decisions traditionally in education and school choices of their children, family vacations and living room furniture.
Child Dominated Decision Making
For this type of decision making, child makes the final products decisions traditionally on child-related items such as furniture for his/her bed room, toys, clothes, shoes and a school bag.
Unilateral Decision Making
For this type of decision making, it can be taken by any member of the family. The choices of decision are traditionally on low-priced items.
Reference Group
Reference group is a group whose presumed (considered) perspectives (potential/likely) or values are being used by an individual as the basis for his/ her current behavior.
Types of Reference Groups can be divided into 3 groups as follows;
1. The membership and non-membership, either one is a member of a particular group or one is not a member of that group. Some m
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