What is Guanidine Carbonate?
Trade Name: Guanidine Carbonate
Synonyms: Diguanidine Carbonate
Description: White, crystalline, hygroscopic powder
Primary Functions: Hair straightening and depilatory agent, pH adjustment, buffering agent
Industries: Personal Care
CAS #: 593-85-1
Hebei Smart Guanidine Carbonate
Our guanidine carbonate is produced from cyanoguanidine.We put cyanoguanidine and ammonium salt at 170-230°C,then add alcohol and sodium hydroxide,blowing into CO2,we can get crude guanidine carbonate.After re-crystalize and dry,we get final product. Our guanidine carbonate is pure white free flowing powder with a density of 450gram/liter.Its melting point is 198°C.The CAS no.is 593-85-1.The solubility at 20°C is 42g/100g water,0.55g/100g methyl alcohol.It is insoluble in actone and benzene. We have been exporting our guanidine carbonate since 1995,to USA,South America,Europe,Australia and Asia.We never receive quality claim from our customers during the passed 14 years.We produce 3000mt guanidine carbonate each year now.