Stage 1 - Lead in - sink stds into the theme of Xmas - jokes
10 mins
1. Tell one of the jokes below.
2. Handout the reindeer joke matching - pairwork.
3. Handout a joke to each std & they tell each other in pairs.
4. Elicit if they know any jokes themselves.
5. Stds tell you about their Xmas traditions.
Stage 2 - Xmas vocabulary - brainstorm
10 mins
1. Brainstorm - stds throw out all words connected to Xmas. This would be an opportunity for you to pre-teach any vocab from the text that you deem necessary.
Stage 3 - Reading
15 mins
1. Put stds into four groups - handout copies of each text - one version per group.
2. Stds read & write four questions for each other to check understanding. It would probably be a good idea to have dictionaries a hand.
3. In their groups they hand round their questions & answer them, getting back to the question writer, clarifying any problems. You could be going round & sorting out any problems.
4. Handout the chart & they fill in for their text.
5. Make sure that each group is OK with their texts.
Stage 4 - Information exchange
15 mins
1. Explain the activity - that you will put them in groups of four & each member of the group will have a different text. The aim is to find out if their are any similarities with the dates & to generally find out as much information as possible about the different aspects - the chart is to help them focus - check instructions.
2. Group the stds & the discuss & exchange. Take notes while they are doing the activity.
3. Regroup the stds back to their individual groups to compare ideas & completed charts.
4. General content feedback - any similarities in dates, anything new that didn't know before, anything similar in their countries & could develop into a good discussion on altruistic behaviour re. St Nicholas, etc.
5. Linguistic feedback - pick up on some general +/- areas from your notes.
Stage 5 - Follow up activities:
Letter writing - depending on the group! - 20 mins
1. Introduce the idea of a letter to Father Xmas or the Kings - do they have it etc..
2. Handout letter outline & stds write their own. Go round & help out.
3. When all finished pin on the walls, all read & decide on best/most convincing letter..
Roleplay with Santa - 15 mins
1. Stds brainstorm questions they would like to ask Santa if they had the chance.
2. Designate who takes on Santa roles & others interview.
Presents - 15 mins
1. Stds think what would be a suitable present for each of their classmates, including you. They write these each down on slips of paper.
2. Stds, & you, mingle & give out the papers, the presents, to everyone & at the same time wishing each other a happy christmas.