The sad life of a superfluous man
Mr.Gray is an accountant. He lives in Dow City, a small town of only 500 people. He is unhappy with his life because, every day, he does exactly the same things : he gets up at 6 am, works from 7 am, 5 pm, and returns home and watch television until he goes to bed at 9 or, sometimes, 10 pm.
At weekends, when the weather is good, he spends most of Saturday and Sunday working in the small garden in his backyard. The garden looks out on a big, empty stretch of cornfields that extends to the horizon. Sometimes, Mr.Gray stops his work in the garden and gazes off into the distance with as with dreamy look on his face for a few minutes; then, he gets back to work.
When the weather is bed-in winter, for example Mr.Gray stays inside and stares out across the snow-covered cornfields that are write as the eye can see. “Does he have any friends?” you might ask. No, he does not. “Where is his family, then?” He has no family. “Doesn't he ever do anything different or unexpected?” Strange that you should ask that
One day in January, Mr.Gray is in his armchair. He stands up, walks to the window, and looks out over the empty, snow-covered fields. Saturday, he feels terribly depressed and alone, so he goes outside. He is dressed only in his pajamas and slippers, but he doesn't change his clothes because he doesn't think that it in at all necessary. He steps into the fresh white snow and hears a soft crunching sound. Saturday, he because strangely and thinks he is a child again, so he runs across the fields happily. While running, he waves his arms and shouts and yells like a child.
He runs off into the distance, towards the horizon. The next morning. One of the farmers finds Mr. Gray frozen to death beneath a tree on his fields, many miles away from Mr. Gray’s house is a smile on his icy lips.