Consumers identified smells of rancid lipids as a discriminant
reaction on the quality of nixtamalized corn chips. In general,
they preferred NCC with higher fat content and intermediate
oxidative level. Sensory evaluation of corn chips obtained
from a continuous type of process, using tropical oil with
more fatty acid saturation, produced a greater oxidative
instability than those chips obtained from a batch type of
process using corn oil. Trained and untrained panels found
significant differences (p5 0.05) among intermediate oxidative
states of treatments. Trained and untrained judges found
that NCC sensory perception was formed primarily by rancid
fatty attributes such as; fatty-oil, metallic, rancid stale-food
taste, and damp or humid-fermented attributes. Men from
the consumer test showed less sensitivity than women to detect
the sample oxidative status. However, a high percentage of
both sexes in a panel selected the NCC of maximum
concentration of oxidized compound. From the consumer
group, 16% were teenagers, and they showed preference for
NCC with strong flavors conceived by a high degree of
oxidation (448 meq O2/kg of oil). Consumers showed a
particular home cooking behavior; they used the remaining oil
from frying cooking to prepare other types of foods. This
helps us to conclude that consumers are probably used to eating
some concentration of intermediate oxidized components on
a regular basis, which limited their ability to identify the
oxidation reaction for some nixtamalized corn chips
ConclusionsConsumers identified smells of rancid lipids as a discriminantreaction on the quality of nixtamalized corn chips. In general,they preferred NCC with higher fat content and intermediateoxidative level. Sensory evaluation of corn chips obtainedfrom a continuous type of process, using tropical oil withmore fatty acid saturation, produced a greater oxidativeinstability than those chips obtained from a batch type ofprocess using corn oil. Trained and untrained panels foundsignificant differences (p5 0.05) among intermediate oxidativestates of treatments. Trained and untrained judges foundthat NCC sensory perception was formed primarily by rancidfatty attributes such as; fatty-oil, metallic, rancid stale-foodtaste, and damp or humid-fermented attributes. Men fromthe consumer test showed less sensitivity than women to detectthe sample oxidative status. However, a high percentage ofboth sexes in a panel selected the NCC of maximumconcentration of oxidized compound. From the consumergroup, 16% were teenagers, and they showed preference forNCC with strong flavors conceived by a high degree ofoxidation (448 meq O2/kg of oil). Consumers showed aparticular home cooking behavior; they used the remaining oilfrom frying cooking to prepare other types of foods. Thishelps us to conclude that consumers are probably used to eatingsome concentration of intermediate oxidized components ona regular basis, which limited their ability to identify theoxidation reaction for some nixtamalized corn chipstreatments.
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