The question may also be raised what this means for teachers'
preparation. The lack of preparation which the participating
teachers in this study reported does not only apply to theseteachers, or to the Netherlands alone, but applies to teachers in
other countries as well (cf. Akar, 2012; Willemse et al., 2008;
Euridyce, 2012; Goodlad, 1990; Sanger & Osguthorpe, 2013).
Sanger and Osguthorpe (2013) suggested to pay more attention to
the concepts pre-service teachers already possess of the moral
work of teaching, and to build on these concepts during teacher
training. As time and experience are needed to develop concepts of
CE, pedagogical professionalism and practical wisdom, this should
be addressed as early in teacher education as possible. Partnerships
between schools and teacher education institutes offer the opportunity
for pre-service and in-service teachers to collaborate in
projects as described in this article. This offers learning opportunities
for pre-service teachers and at the same time contributes to
the development of teaching practices for citizenship education.