Vibrio spp. are the most common and serious pathogen in fih and shellfih marine aquaculture worldwide.
Vibriosis is a common disease caused by a number of Vibrio spp. viz. V. harveyi, V. parahaemolyticus, V. alginolyticus,
V. anguillarum, V. vulnifius etc. The plastic nature of Vibrio genomes makes the species boundaries very narrow
in a marine environment; therefore accurate species identifiation is complicated for any taxonomist. Traditional
bacterial identifiation has been based on different phenotypic characteristics. However, with the advancement of
molecular biology, arrays of genomic techniques have been developed for correct and rapid species identifiation
in aquaculture. Among DNA-sequence-based identifiation, 16S rRNA and housekeeping genes are most popularly
used. Other common methods for Vibrio identifiation include ribotyping and PCR-based techniques such as.
Amplifid Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP), Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH), Random Amplifid
Polymorphic DNA (RAPD), repetitive extragenic palindrome–PCR (rep-PCR), and Restriction Fragment Length
Polymorphism (RFLP). Molecular methods have slowly established a place in the diagnosis of disease- causing
pathogens in aquaculture. In the present study a detailed review was undertaken to highlight common aquaculturerelated diseases caused by different Vibrio species and some of the common molecular techniques used to identify
those pathogens.
Vibrio spp. are the most common and serious pathogen in fih and shellfih marine aquaculture worldwide.Vibriosis is a common disease caused by a number of Vibrio spp. viz. V. harveyi, V. parahaemolyticus, V. alginolyticus,V. anguillarum, V. vulnifius etc. The plastic nature of Vibrio genomes makes the species boundaries very narrowin a marine environment; therefore accurate species identifiation is complicated for any taxonomist. Traditionalbacterial identifiation has been based on different phenotypic characteristics. However, with the advancement ofmolecular biology, arrays of genomic techniques have been developed for correct and rapid species identifiationin aquaculture. Among DNA-sequence-based identifiation, 16S rRNA and housekeeping genes are most popularlyused. Other common methods for Vibrio identifiation include ribotyping and PCR-based techniques such as.Amplifid Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP), Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH), Random AmplifidPolymorphic DNA (RAPD), repetitive extragenic palindrome–PCR (rep-PCR), and Restriction Fragment LengthPolymorphism (RFLP). Molecular methods have slowly established a place in the diagnosis of disease- causingpathogens in aquaculture. In the present study a detailed review was undertaken to highlight common aquaculturerelated diseases caused by different Vibrio species and some of the common molecular techniques used to identifythose pathogens.
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