of ultrasonic anemometer measurements is available. The site islocated at 17.070 E and 48.109 N at 136 masl. The site is within flatterrain, mainly farmland. Kittsee can experience high wind speeds,mainly from northwesterly directions, often associated with frontalof systems and storms (Fig. 1). The secondary maximum of winddirections is from Northeast, in contrast to a lot of other meteorologicalstations in the area. This is explained by a topographicaldeflection of the regional flow in the area caused by the southernmosttip of the Carpathian mountains in the region of BratislavaNorth of the site. These wind directions show on average lowerwind speeds as they are mainly observed in anti-cyclonicconditions.The frequency of stability classes is either determined from theradiation balance and the wind speed at Kittsee (Fig. 2a) or the OSPwith a roughness length of 0.02 m derived from on-site windmeasurements (Fig. 2b) following Beljaars (1987), cit. in Kobmannand Namyslo (2007). With both schemes, neutral conditions aremost abundant at Kittsee, class 4 (AODM) and class III/1 (LASAT)showing frequencies of 35 to more than 50%. This is due to the highwind speeds and/or cloudy conditions. The Klug-Manier and theLASAT schemes deliver less unstable cases than the Reuter (1970)and the Golder (1972) schemes. The large differences for classes 4