The New World genus Ogcocephalus comprises twelve species. Two species are bland endemics in
the eastern Pacific* Ogcocephalus darwini Hubhs in the Galapagos archipelago and Ogcocephalus porrectus
Carman off Cocos Island, but the remaining ten are western Atlantic species. Five of the Atlantic species are
described as new: Ogcocephalus pantostictus and Ogcocephalus declivirostris from the northern and western
Gulf of Mexico, Ogcocephalus rostellum from the Atlantic coast of the southeastern United States, Ogcocephalus
corniger also from the Atlantic coast of the southeastern United States but ranging into the eastern Gulf of
Mexico, and Ogcocephalus pumilus from the Caribbean and coasts of the Guianas. Ogcocephalus parvus Longley
and Hildebrand has a wider range than formerly known, from the coast of the southeastern United States and
eastern Gulf of .Mexico through the Caribbean to the Atlantic coast of South America. Ogcocephalus vespertilio
(Linnaeus) has a more restricted range than formerly thought, the coast of Brazil from the mouth of the Amazon
to the mouth of the Rio de la Plata. Ogcocephalus notatus (Cuvier and Valenciennes) also has a southerly
distribution in the western Atlantic, the coast of northern South America from Colombia to northern Brazil.
The variable species Ogcocephalus nasutus (Cuvier and Valenciennes) appears to beallopatric with O. vespertilio
(Linnaeus), which it most resembles; 0> nasutus ranges from the mouth of the Amazon through the Caribbean
to the Bahamas and southeastern Florida. Ogcocephalus cuhifrons (Richardson) ranges from the Bahamas and
the coast of the southeastern United States into the eastern Gulf of Mexico to at least Pensacola, Florida, and
Campeche Banks. The name Ogcocephalus radiatus (Mitchill) is placed in the synonymy of Ogcocephalus cuh-
ifrons. Illustrated keys, photographs, diagnoses, and distribution maps are provided.