Unity 3D contains packages similar to the concept of software libraries or reusable components that can be found within other languages and development platforms. A package in Unity 3D is a container of scenes and various assets (such as scripts, models, images, and sound effects) used by the game objects within those scenes. A Unity 3D project can export a package containing any number of scenes, and each of those scenes’ dependent assets will be exported to the package automatically. In turn, any Unity 3D project can import such a package and hand-select any desired scenes and assets to be imported. The power and convenience of re-using existing scenes and assets can be witnessed by the popularity of the Unity 3D Asset Store [6]. The framework developed in this work serves as both a template and a prototype for the construction of future projects relating to algorithm animation applications and games. New packages can be created by following well-defined guidelines and with the help of some basic core packages. Users can import any one or more packages from the repository and propose to create
new features according to their needs. This framework for algorithm animation consists of both guidelines and reference algorithm animation model.