Getting in
Becoming a part of the village and understanding the nature of a thai community is necessary for this study as it guides us in how to deal with the study site in appropriate ways. It also ensures good cooperation with the local people. Fetterman (2009) , Smith and Kornblum (1996) and Liamputtong (2009) point out that encountering the community is a challenging task because communities are fairly complex. When working with community, combining a variety of techniques and artful strategies could generate positive cooperation. On entering the grassroots of a thai community, we must understand the hierarchical structure of thai bureaucratic organnisations. Each organization has different structures and approaches.
This necessitates outsiders informing the organization about the purpose of their entering the community and the benefit of the project to the people ( Gobo,2008; Hammersley and Atkinson,2007). This requirement is not only a basic strategy to prevent their people from any harm from outsiders but also to protect the researcher from danger. In particular, the community organizations can pay more attention to provide safety awareness. This prior concern becomes a social norm of Thai organization, when outsiders visit or stay in their community.