Hello father day Thailand Father's Day this year was 2 baht gold one line. Buy a bracelet for Mother's first line. My mother is hurt Along with the money to his 50,000 baht. I do know that it can not be compared at all to the Father gave birth to and raised. But I knew his father very proud of me. I was very close to embracing aromatic turbines together almost every day together. Today, I was born 25 years. It has almost everything to his parents (except for posterity 555) if I die today or not on this world. I have nothing to regret anymore. Because I want to do what I had to do it :) gone home after the first pickup truck to his car first. And the salary of mice sent to parents every month absence. Thank heavens that I give to my son. Selected my mother that day. The mice in this day Thanks to my father Love you the most