You are likely to find the limit of 1000 words restrictive. The word limit is quite deliberate to give your practice at writing a succinct document. In an age of information overload, the ability to write succinctly is quite an asset. Aim at a document that can be read in one sitting (say, within one hour). Once your reader puts down the Report, there is no guarantee he or she will come back to it. Place any material that is not directly essential to the body of your report in an Appendix. Note that appendix material is supportive to key data in the report. Key data should be included in the report and not relegated to appendix. Assume that appendix data in your report will not add to your assessment grade for the assignment. It will, however, play an important role in supporting and justifying the final grade awarded to your paper. Thus key data in the appendix and not in the report will result in a pass grade at best. Key data in the report without any supporting appendix could also result in a pass grade.
Guideline for Principle of Marketing